Monday, February 27, 2012

DROID X OTA Update 4.5.621

Droid X users, Motorola and Verizon haven't forgotten about you; not completely, at least. You may not be getting Ice Cream Sandwich (officially, anyway), but Big Red is pushing one hell of a bug-fix update to your device right now.
The OTA update brings fixes to a whole slew of issues that DX users have been dealing with for far too long:
Over the Air Updates
  • Prevents lockups or resets after the Over the Air (OTA) update.
  • OTA update notice screen displays the correct estimated update time.
Device Features
  • Improved browser security with the Google Security Patch from Android 2.3.6.
  • Fixed issue where the device may power ON without user interaction.
  • Resolved possible device resets while playing music.
  • Adjusted camera settings will be saved, even after the device is powered down.
  • Reduced Out of Memory errors.
  • WAV files can be played from Visual Voice Mail.
  • Device is enabled with the Wireless Alerting System.
  • Improved stability of Music Player reduces resets.
  • Shortcuts to applications remain on the device even after applications are moved to the SD card.
Email, Messaging, & Data
  • Improved connectivity with 3G Mobile Hotspot data connectivity.
  • Addressed error that replicated thumbnails in message threads.
  • Corrected errors where Yahoo! mail notifications were not displayed properly.
  • Reduced duplicate message errors.
  • Improved ability to access and receive Gmail when the Mobile Hotspot is turned on.
  • Sorted contact groups.
  • Device recognizes Multimedia ringtones after purchase.
  • Button background lighting turns off while in the desktop cradle.

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