Sunday, June 10, 2012


Saturday I took a load to Nogales, AZ. While there I met up with another company driver who had arrived at the destination ahead of me. The loader didn't come in until ten o'clock so we had time for coffee and conversation. Well, the guy seemed nice enough although there was something I didn't like about him but couldn't put my finger on it. At ten we both got unloaded and he left ahead of me.

Later that day back at the terminal in Phoenix he was washing his trailer. I wanted to wash my truck so I waited on him. One of the yard maintenance guys was there too working on some trucks. Then it came to me, this guy was an ex-con, he had that prison look to him, that he had done time. I said to the maintenance guy I bet he's been in prison or is in a gang. To which he replied, why don't you ask him, here he comes. So, I said, when did you get out of the can, jokingly. He says, in 2008 why?
To which I reply, You didn't kill anybody did you? No, he says, the guy didn't die.
He was in fact an ex-con, did six and half years for attempted murder. Why he was hired I will never understand. I can see helping ex-cons, but not violent offenders like this. And people wonder why I carry a gun....

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