Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mueller Testifies To Congress

Robert Mueller
WASHINGTON – Former special counsel Robert Mueller has made few public statements since his May 2017 appointment to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election and potential coordination with the Trump campaign. 
Though the results of his work were made public in a 448-page report in April, many on Capitol Hill and around the country were anxious to hear from him directly about the investigation. After some wrangling, debates and delays, on Wednesday Mueller finally appeared to testify before Congress. 
Mueller insisted that his testimony would not go beyond what was in his report but members of the House Judiciary Committee nonetheless did their best to get Mueller to say more about what he learned in his nearly two-years on the case.
Through it all, the stoic Mueller kept his cool and kept his vow to stick with what was in the text of his report. But there were still some fireworks and moments of humor during his more than four-hour appearance.

Mr. Mueller avoided all the hard questions just as we knew he would. 

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